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Example Tagging Strategies

  • Cost Center: You can use a tag to indicate the cost center responsible for the resource. This facilitates cost attribution to specific entities within your organization.
  • Business Unit: If your organization is divided into distinct business units, you can use a tag to identify the business unit to which the resource belongs. This provides better visibility into costs associated with each business unit.
  • Environment: If you have multiple environments (e.g., development, test, production), you can use a tag to indicate the environment to which the resource belongs. This can help track costs by environment and identify optimization opportunities specific to each environment.
  • Project: If you allocate resources to specific projects, you can use a tag to indicate the corresponding project. This facilitates cost tracking by project and evaluation of project profitability.


If you have multiple environments, you can use a tag to indicate the environment to which the resource belongs. This can help track costs by environment and identify optimization opportunities specific to each environment.

development, test, production

Key Value
Env development
Environment test


If you allocate resources to specific projects, you can use a tag to indicate the corresponding project. This facilitates cost tracking by project and evaluation of project profitability.

Key Value
Projet yriser


You can use a tag to indicate the owner or person responsible for the resource. This facilitates communication and cost accountability.

Key Value
Owner devops
Jane Doe

Resource Type

You can use a tag to indicate the type of resource, such as database, EC2 instance, managed service, etc. This allows grouping costs by resource type and better understanding of cost distribution.

Key Value
Resource ec2

Business Unit

Cost allocatable to teams within an enterprise. This model requires a moderate amount of effort, provides high accuracy for showbacks and chargebacks, and is suitable for organizations that have a defined account structure

Key Value
Business Unit prod


Cost allocatable to teams or organizations within an enterprise. This model requires a moderate amount of effort, provides high accuracy for showbacks and chargebacks, and is suitable for organizations that have a defined account structure

Key Value
Team ops-center

Creation Date

By adding a tag with the resource's creation date, you can track the lifespan of resources and assess their cost impact over time.

Key Value
Date 06.07.2023